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måndag 16 februari 2009

Little fairys ....

My tiny fairys are finished.
I did not wanted to paint/glaze them.. I´m thinking that colour would be to mutsh on them.....
I think nature will give them some nice patina.

Mina små älvor är klara.
Jag ville inte måla eller glasera dem... för jag tror färg skulle bli för mycket och klumpigt på dem...
Naturen får färga dem i stället.

Maby I put them on these.. ore not...
Kanske får de sitta på svamparna .... eller inte....

8 kommentarer:

Gunilla sa...

Jättefina blev feerna.

Svamparna är ju kanonfina.

Ha de´gott


Anonym sa...

those little fairies will add life to your beautiful garden. i like the mushrooms as well.

My Mother's Garden sa...

Precious! I can see how pretty they will be as time goes by and they get a weathered finish. I like her on the mushroom or inside of one of your ceramic flowers.

So sweet!

Anonym sa...

You are so talented -- your fairies are lovely, as are the mushrooms. :)

Catherine@AGardenerinProgress sa...

I love your little fairies and mushrooms!

Karin sa...

Så fina! Håller med att de passar där uppepå svamparna. :)

Aunt Debbi/kurts mom sa...

How cute. Are you going to sell any?

joey sa...

Love your delightful fairies & mushrooms :)